• George Bateman

    Peggy Newnan,,pegged it..
    Problem, % indicates! Any time this sitting president has requested congress for assistance any his request.. No…he should just use his executive power and unleash our Dogs of War , take it too them, they have announced their war against us.. Don’t waste time with Do nothing Congress. They have vowed since he entered office.. No support for his executive action or direction. Get ER Done.. Semper Fi.

  • Darrell Castle

    George, thanks for your comment. I must point out however that the President has no such executive authority. The US Constitution reserves the authority to make war to Congress alone (Art. 1 sec.8). The President is commander in chief and that role does not convey the legal right to take the nation to war. The Declaration of Independence says that “governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Congress is the legitimate representative of the governed not the President. Executive orders are unconstitutional and a violation of the separation of powers. This is a Republic and a nation based on the rule of law and not the rule of kings, dictators and other such autocrats.
    I also point out that anytime the President violates his sworn oath before God and the American people to protect, honour, and defend the Constitution he is a liar and he dishonours himself and this country and holds it up to ridicule.
    God bless America and the US Consitiution.