
Economic World War


Darrell Castle talks about the economic warfare being waged across the full economic spectrum by the Western World against Russia, against Vladimir Putin, and against anyone who will not comply.

Transcription / Notes


Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Good Friday, or the Friday before Easter Sunday and this is the 15th day of April in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the economic warfare being waged across the full economic spectrum by the Western World against Russia, against Vladimir Putin, and against anyone who will not comply.

Last Tuesday, April 12th was the 77th anniversary of the death of Franklin Roosevelt. FDR conducted a world war, but he did not quite live long enough to see the end of it. Here we are 77 years later once again engaged in a worldwide struggle, but for now our participation is primarily economic and the control of all information.

NATO and the United States confront Russia and challenge Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, but it is the economic model set in place at Bretton Woods after World War Two and solidified by the disconnection from gold or anything of value in 1971 that enabled the West to defeat the Soviet Union in the cold war. It is what caused Vladimir Putin to inherit a broken nation and it is what caused the Eastern European nations to want to follow the West instead of Russia.

The results of economic warfare here in America include inflation hitting a 40 year high in March, with the latest CPI Index at 8.5 %. The Federal Government’s runaway money printing especially since 2020, is certainly enough to spark rising prices, but now we add a war to the equation. The effects of the war are starting to cause ripples across the entire world, more and more inflation, especially for commodities like food fuel and metals.

International trade is starting to break down which will continue to cause more inflation. People expect prices to rise so they buy more thus fueling inflation even more. When my gas tank is about a quarter from full, I stop and top off because I know it will be higher tomorrow, if any is available. The supply chain is being disrupted and breaking down across the world especially in China which seems to make almost everything now. Later this year supply chain problems are predicted to hit food hard with shortages and higher prices.

Doing things intentionally to make this situation a lot worse seems like madness to me, but that is apparently what is happening. Shutting down oil production in the United States and going to the Saudis with our hat in our hands at the same time we cozy up to their Iranian enemies shows either serious weakness in the current administration’s understanding of the world or suicidal intent on a national level. The Saudis recently released a comic video making fun of or mocking the president and vice president of the United States which is now viral. So, the Saudi sheiks, who murder homosexuals and who treat women as property laugh at and mock the United States and its leadership, but Washington still goes begging to them

The Western Nations, led by the United States, have sanctioned just about everything in the world that is Russian. They have shut down their own fuel supply and barred any imports from Russia. The exception is Europe’s dependence on Russian gas which has been allowed to continue. What would happen if Putin simply turned off the spigot, no one seems to know, but it does serve to highlight the hypocrisy of the thing.

In China, which as I said earlier, makes just about everything and ships just about everything, is so disrupted right now that by the fall of this year the world has to be in a terrible bind supply wise. First you destroy your own nation’s ability to manufacture by shipping all manufacturing to low wage countries, primarily China, then you decide to conduct economic warfare against all the countries that make everything you need to continue your way of life apart from China. Then China, on which you are now dependent, stops shipping The Chinese City of Shanghai, home to 26.5 million people is also the largest shipping container port in the world, and is now completely locked down because of COVID.

 When I say completely shut down, I mean shut down as only the Chinese can do it. People are locked in their homes literally starving according to reports. For our purposes let’s look at the supply chain problems rather than the human costs for the Chinese people. Ships sit at anchor in the Shanghai harbor backed up for miles offshore. So many ships have been diverted to other Chinese ports that they can no longer handle the load.

Shipping companies that ship refrigerated containers are especially hard hit because once off loaded there is no electricity for their cargo. Even when the cargo can be offloaded driver shortages and COVID lockdown bureaucracy prevent the cargo from being moved. More than 90% of truck capacity is out of service. Trucks cannot move in or out of the city without a special permit which is never valid for more than 24 hours. Shipping containers pile up because there is no more warehouse space for them.

My point is that all this supply chain backlog will cause shortages in America sooner or later and shortages mean higher prices when products are available. What does an overreaction to COVID in China have to do with America making economic war against Russia? Nothing, except that when we come to rely entirely on a country as volatile as China bad things are inevitable. Those bad things are magnified when economic warfare prevents imports from other sanctioned countries. Couple that to the restrictions imposed on your own ability to supply yourself and it takes on the nature of economic suicide rather than economic murder.

This war, this economic war, but also, this information war the United States is constantly waging, what is it about? There is hardly a day that passes that President Biden doesn’t ramp up the propaganda to a new level. Just this week he referred to Putin’s action as genocide. Yes, he said Putin was trying to wipe out all traces of the Ukrainian people. Previously he referred to the President of Russia as a butcher and a war criminal, and earlier said he had no soul. That rhetoric would seem to make an armistice all but impossible so why do it. I can only speculate, but it seems that the administration wants the war to continue for as long as possible to bleed Russia dry.

That could explain the slow delivery of weapons a little at a time but always increasing in lethality. Could the point of never listening to Russia’s concerns over many years, moving NATO forces to the Russian border, cancelling arms control treaties, and moving missiles into Russian border countries, could the reason be regime change in Russia. I certainly don’t presume to be able to read the mind of President Biden or any of the Warhawks that control government in the United States, but that seems to me to be the most likely reason. Throughout the cold war, regime change among nuclear armed nations was forbidden, but now all bets seem to be off, and that leaves an attempted coup against a man who has his finger on 6000 nuclear weapons.

This propaganda war is very interesting because the U.S. has virtually complete control of all information. I look at Russia Today, and Sputnik news services and get a different picture, but who cares about what a bunch of Russians think. Now, however, the CIA has admitted, publicly, to feeding the American public false information about Ukraine. False stories about Russian atrocities not committed or committed by others, along with other fake Russian crimes.

That all came to the forefront in a report from, of all places, NBC News. The article said that the U.S. intelligence community is knowingly feeding information it does not believe accurate to the U.S. mainstream media for the American audience to consume. Since the mainstream media cares nothing for truth and only serves the wishes of the powers that be, no fact check is ever conducted. So, the article admits to us that the deep state, the powers that be, or whatever term you choose, is actively engaged in lying to the American people to manipulate public opinion. We’ve suspected this of course. But now they openly admit it.

According to the article “multiple U.S. officials acknowledged that the U.S. has used information as a weapon even when confidence in the accuracy of the information wasn’t high. Sometimes it has used low confidence intelligence for deterrent effect.” Russia preparing to use chemical weapons in Ukraine, China providing military equipment to Russia, Putin being fed false information by his advisors, all lies churned out by the CIA. These lies were repeated over and over by the media even though they knew the information to be false. They lied to propagandize the American people in favor of the Biden Administration’s war narrative.

Perhaps we are now at a point where Russia is guilty of any crime the U.S. claims it has committed whether it actually committed that crime or not. If the crime to which Russians are accused of committing is not committed, well then, it’s because of the bravery of Ukrainian troops along with NATO defenses. This is currently being sold to the American public as a way to create a false reality shaped entirely by the state. Yes, it does sound a lot like Orwell doesn’t it. The state in control can no longer be held accountable, and truth, at least as our minds can conceive it, is hostage to the state. The state is always justified in what it does because it is its own judge.

President Biden admitted the chemical weapons story was a CIA false story, but said its purpose was to deter Putin from using such weapons. That sounds like madness or maybe Mad Magazine, but that’s what he said. The Administration also said there is no information that China is considering providing weapons to Russia. I suppose the reason China will not do that is because of U.S. lies. Some of these CIA press releases would be funny if not so serious. Consider the New York Times quoting its CIA propaganda as “breaking news”. The breaking news was about Putin being misinformed by his advisors later admitted to being a CIA lie.

In conclusion: When FDR died in April of 1945 the United States was one month from the German surrender and five months from the end of World War Two.  America won the war while accumulating only $259 billion in debt. Now after 77 years of pointless no-win wars and one boondoggle after another America is 30 trillion in debt and led around by people and bureaucracies which lie to their collective faces and then laugh in their faces. They are free to do this because of the complete docility of the mainstream media which is all owned by only six companies. Only six companies, all controlled by the state and its intelligence agencies, decide what you see, hear, and read, about virtually everything. If that is true, and it is, why would NBC release the report that I just talked about? For some reason the CIA wanted it released. I suspect Joe Biden is no longer viewed as an asset.

Finally, folks, I no longer believe anything that comes from the U.S. government or its various mouthpieces. I saw a meme the other day that said watching this administration is like being tied to a chair and watching a toddler play with a loaded gun.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.


  • Dave Stowe

    It’s just sad when disbelief in our officials have sunk as far as they have. Still, there is a lot of folks that believe the pantomime. It helps me immensely to hear that you of of the same minde. Thanks for your report. Our Constitution has never been so attacked by leaders who have so little to offer. Thaks you Mr. Castle. Happy Easter!

  • jonathan Robert taub

    “Now, however, the CIA has admitted, publicly, to feeding the American public false information about Ukraine. False stories about Russian atrocities not committed or committed by others, along with other fake Russian crimes.”

    did not hear that..who are the “others:?….ukranian nazis?….need to look that up

    i have heard of russian troops being poisoned with bad alcohol/food from “friendly” ukranians though on NTD news

    playing the devils advocate,overall i think this situation is a win for the united states and the federal reserve

    as far as shipbuilding,south korea is king as far as i know

    at least U.S. politicians ARE acknowledging Taiwan is important since they make the majority of the worlds chips..i think it was clinton who first threw them under the bus

    interesting how samsung and TSMC are both making factories in southern states texas and arizona ..,,it does not take a genius even with the B.S. leftist propaganda 24/7 to see which way the winds are blowing…now maybe next time we can get those planes to fly into the U.N. buiding instead of that nice shiny new world trade center?

    here in los angeles they recently had a “stop the mandates” rally dr mallone showed up i would have gone but heard not one peep about it..the nation of islam even showed up in support which i can understand from their viewpoint….thank god they had some white vaccine victims onstage eh?

    maybe now that the genocide did not work the plan is to kill off tons of americans,save money on social security and retirement and life insurance payouts,open the borders to low wage slaves that have not paid much into the system so are not owed much and they will take the vaccines as they are told and die off early and vote democrat?….at one time i would have thought that was crazy conspiracy talk…not so sure anymore?

  • riz

    not really about this article but i thought it good place to leave a comment about the recent world council for health’s open letter on the who’s pandemic treaty. On the bottom it has a liunk to have your organization apply to join with the world council for health, i think it a good idea for the CP and other minor parties like it to give it serious consideration, since our nation won’t be very free or sovereign with a treaty like this in place. Just a thought i wanted to share.