It Is Not Yes Or No ; It Is DoN’t You Go :

    FELLOW CLEVER SCOTTISH, STAY AT HOME OR AT WORK OR AT CLUB, AND SAVE YOUR CHILDREN FROM BEING MASS SLAUGHTERED IN FOOTBALL STADIUMS, AND MASS CREMATED IN MARKET MALLS, IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE AT THE BLOODY ASHY HANDS OF THE ULTRA-DIRTY GEUUISH QABBAALISTS. It Doesn’t Differ For Those Chaos-Organizing Gangsters That You Follow “The Babysitter-Babykiller” Or You Follow “The Whitehair Vibrator”,who are two under-the-table comrades of the same conspiring secret mob. All They Want Tomorrow Is A Big Turn-Out And A Preliminary Shape Of A Selves-Destroying Bi-Revolution In The Making. You nead some confessions? O.K., Read “Brave New World” and watch “I Pet Goat” to understand more what Super-Widescale Mayhem are those Super-Awful Xeonists Are Dragging the World into.

    We previously have indeed sincerely Warned : the Nigerians; the Egyptians; the Syrians; the Iraqis; the Yamanis; the Libyans; the Ukrainians; the Brazilians; the Americans; and other World Peoples also. Had they all been able to Listen to and to Comprehend our sincere Warnings, and hence act accordingly and evadingly towards what they have been Warned of, then what have occurred in reality to these secretly targeted Earthian Peoples’ of Severe Losses and Sufferings, during the past Four Ultra-Desolation Years, couldn’t have become imaginable to happen at all. Much more than during 2010 and before, it has now become very obvious to the World that those krypto-Gangsters who were ordered to thinklessly and hysterically snarl “Konzpiracy Theoree ; Konzpiracy Theoree”, upon a lot of the times they are faced at with trustful witnesses and unbeatable evidences on their High Treason towards the Societies they dwell in, are in fact “Realtime Konzpirators ; Realplace Konzpirators”. Their received anti-Order Order-issues, of sabotaging their own address-countries and attacking their extra-Gangsters compatriots, come from the chief manipulators of the New World Dis-Order.

    Their pseudo-International krypto-Organization is run by the Diablo-Okkultist Leaders, who consider themselves as Secretaries of Satam and exult in turning Satam’s super-Nefarious Orders, which include even the mass-killing of Children and Infants and even Newborns, just to satisfy his Evilness and concede his Predominance and designate his Worshipability, according to that over-wacky Diablo-Okkult. Like what we can read in their Xeony 1st “Bruto-Goal”, they are performing all their adhered-to Genocide and Destruction, with a ritual lethal mixture of “Our Means-Countersign of Vehemence and Deceit. Only Force conquers in Political Affairs, especially if it be Concealed in the Talents Essential to Statesmen. Violence must be the Principle, and Cunning and Make-Believe the Rule”.

    With a continuous unfading kindnessless battery of Violence and Deceit, they proceed with their Expelling-the-Others Masterplan by starting baseless needless crises, and then baseless needless clashes and then baseless needless battles between any two or more of the other Joyeem Groups, that they are itching and rashing to Get Rid of. That Is Why, those Satamo-Geuuz always work hard to over-separate and to poison the shared waters between any Joyeem Nation and the Other. Like what we can read in their Xeony 5th “Bruto-Goal”, they are engineering all their adhered-to Genocide and Destruction, with an ancient practice of “ Set One against Another: the Personal and National reckonings of the ‘Differents’; Religious and Race Hatreds, which We have Fostered into a Huge Growth in the Course of the Past Twenty Centuries. ”. – Accordingly, the BEST THING THAT YOU CAN DO IS NOT TO GO TO THE SHAM VOTING, IS NOT TO TAKE PART IN THE XEONY-FABRICATED DEMONSTRATION OF DECLARING UNERGENT DIFFERENCES OVER YES OR NO.

    By especially concentrating their Genocide and Destruction at their peaks during their Invented krypto-Collaborated Wars, on the shocking levels and as accumulated as what had happened all over the Whole Twentieth Century, those Schizophrenic Pagano-Geuuz have managed to run away with 100s of millions of acute crimes without being justice-punished. As a hardly broken rule, they always put and distribute themselves in the leading; directing; manipulating; spying; brainwashing chairs during those plot-and-ploy Wars, and always hide and stay away from the Combat and Detonation Scenes that are set up and left for Others to Get Mass-Murdered; Mass-Injured; Mass-Tortured; Mass-Sickened; and Mass-Impoverished. They did that to 100s of Millions of Peoples in All the Famous Wars of the 20th Century, Including WW1 and WW2. As a shocking example for your knowledge: Adolf Schicklgruber and Benito Mussolini Were Never At War, In Person, With Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt and Josef Stalin, and the Five of Them Were Actually Secret Members of the Same Single Satamo-Geuuish Krypto-Organization. The Chief Sort of Tasks that they were Assigned to Do on behalf of that Diablo-Xeony Krypto-Organization was to Push the Differents or the Other Nations into Annihilating Each Other and into Suffering the Rest Horrors of Intense War.

    Now-a-days while those Ethicsless Globo-Xeonists are putting the final touches for Pushing the World Peoples into a Similarly Krypto-Directed WW3 Annihilation and Demolition, they are first Inviting the Tricked Global Peoples to Tumourize and Malignantize their Opinion-Variations with the over-repeated use of their Death-Voltage Combined Battery of the Sham Democratic Media and the Actually Oligarchic Voting. For Britain of ”Post-Rave-Random” the Xeony Global Gang intend to Start their usual pre-prepared Wave of Clashes-plus-Sabotage-plus-Terrorism, Just Like what they have already commited in : Pakistan; India; Central Africa; Venezuela; Chile; Brazil; Greece, Italy; France; Iran; Tunisia; Egypt; Syria; Iraq; al-Yaman; Libya; Turkey; America; and Ukraine, right after the so-called ‘votings’ that they have held in each of those markedly unfortunate countries.

    And if anybody wants to be sure that those Ultra-Brutal Pagano-Geuuz really intend that in Britain ( and especially after their krypto-Organized 7-7-7; 10-11-10; 9-12-10 ‘rehearsals’ ), read in their Xeony 7th “Bruto-Goal” that “ We must compel the Directorships of the ‘Differents’ to take action in the direction favored by our widely conceived plan, already approaching the desired consummation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly promoted by us through the means of that so-called “Great Power” – THE PRESS, WHICH, WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS THAT MAY BE DISREGARDED, IS ALREADY ENTIRELY IN OUR HANDS.”. – With that effectively deceitful Media Super-Tool, they try to convince the public that Super-Terrorism is not theirs. But yet, they make some ‘confessing’ mistakes in their cunning tasks, like the hardly tricky one of making their pseudo-Islamicized Assassination Squad, who evidently on T.V. Do Not Know where is the right Moslems Prayer Direction, which the Xeony Chiefs have termed I.S.I.S. ( which stands of-course for ”I Satam I Satam” ) appear like slaughtering a Geuuish Scottish man right before the Scottish “Rave-Random” – And What a Bollywoodish Coincidence ! – with the aim of intensifying the Tricked Public ‘Turnout’ for as much as possible.

    And read in their Xeony 9th “Bruto-Goal” that “ For us there are not checks to limit the range of our activity. Our Super-Government subsists in extra-legal conditions which are described in the accepted terminology by the energetic and forcible word – Dictatorship. I am in a position to tell you with a clear conscience that at the proper time we, the law-givers, shall execute judgment and sentence, we shall slay and we shall spare, we, as head of all our troops, are mounted on the steed of the leader. We rule by force of will, because in our hands are the fragments of a once powerful party, now vanquished by us. AND THE WEAPONS IN OUR HANDS ARE LIMITLESS AMBITIONS, BURNING GREEDINESS, MERCILESS VENGEANCE, HATREDS AND MALICE. IT IS FROM US THAT THE ALL-ENGULFING TERROR PROCEEDS. WE HAVE IN OUR SERVICE PERSONS OF ALL OPINIONS, OF ALL DOCTRINES, RESTORATING MONARCHISTS, DEMAGOGUES, SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS, AND UTOPIAN DREAMERS OF EVERY KIND. We have harnessed them all to the task: EACH ONE OF THEM ON HIS OWN ACCOUNT IS BORING AWAY AT THE LAST REMNANTS OF AUTHORITY, IS STRIVING TO OVERTHROW ALL ESTABLISHED FORM OF ORDER. By these acts all States are in torture; they exhort to tranquility, are ready to sacrifice everything for peace: BUT WE WILL NOT GIVE THEM PEACE UNTIL THEY OPENLY ACKNOWLEDGE OUR INTERNATIONAL SUPER-GOVERNMENT, AND WITH SUBMISSIVENESS.”.

    And read in their Xeony 10th “Bruto-Goal” that “ VOTING, WHICH WE HAVE MADE THE INSTRUMENT WHICH WILL SET US ON THE THRONE OF THE WORLD BY TEACHING EVEN THE VERY SMALLEST UNITS OF MEMBERS OF THE HUMAN RACE TO VOTE BY MEANS OF MEETINGS AND AGREEMENTS BY GROUPS, WILL THEN HAVE SERVED ITS PURPOSES AND WILL PLAY ITS PART THEN FOR THE LAST TIME BY A UNANIMITY OF DESIRE TO MAKE CLOSE ACQUAINTANCE WITH US BEFORE CONDEMNING US. TO SECURE THIS WE MUST HAVE EVERYBODY VOTE WITHOUT DISTINCTION OF CLASSES AND QUALIFICATIONS, in order to establish an absolute majority, which cannot be got from the educated propertied classes. In this way, by inculcating in all a sense of self-importance, we shall destroy among the GOYIM the importance of the family and its educational value and remove the possibility of individual minds splitting off, for the mob, handled by us, will not let them come to the front nor even give them a hearing; it is accustomed to listen to us only who pay it for obedience and attention. In this way we shall create a blind, mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any direction without the guidance of our agents set at its head by us as leaders of the mob. The people will submit to this regime because it will know that upon these leaders will depend its earnings, gratifications and the receipt of all kinds of benefits.”.

    And read in their Xeony 11th “Bruto-Goal” that “ What we want is that from the first moment of its promulgation, while the peoples of the world are still stunned by the accomplished fact of the revolution, still in a condition of terror and uncertainty, they should recognize once for all that we are so strong, so inexpugnable, so super-abundantly filled with power, that in no case shall we take any account of them, and so far from paying any attention to their opinions or wishes, we are ready and able to crush with irresistible power all expression or manifestation thereof at every moment and in every place, that we have seized at once everything we wanted and shall in no case divide our power with them … Then in fear and trembling they will close their eyes to everything, and be content to await what will be the end of it all. The GOYIM are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? …. There is another reason also why they will close their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties …. It is not worth to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties …. For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the GOY without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered tribe unattainable by the direct road?”.

    Thereby and after all the previous, you Dear Scottish Folks should comprehend that right after the tricky and stainy ”Rave-Random” takes place you have to expect that the anti-British Okkult-Geuuz Can Hardly Start Wiping-Out The British Gunless Population, Including The British New-Borns And Infants, UNLESS THEIR FATHERS AND MOTHERS GO OUT FOR THAT MEANLY PURPOSEFUL ”RAVE-RANDOM” TO SIGN THERE YES OR NO. – Look how, in advance, they are Already advertizing for a ”Big Split” over that Fake Ominious ”Rave-Random”, and are Already Furnishing for a ”Big Fail In Services And Security” for All British in case of the ”YES” Sham Result that they have Already Chosen and Prepared to Declare, in order to be able to vehemently pursue their semi-Concealed ”Bruto-Goals”. – SO DO NOT HELP THE APPLICATIONS OF THEIR GRAVELY DANGEROUS PLOTS AND PLOYS ON YOU AND YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS, AND JUST BOYCOT THEIR REALITY-T.V. SHOW OF TOMORROW COMPLETELY, AND SAVE THE VERY LIVES OF YOUR OFFSPRINGS AND CHILDREN. – IT IS NOT YES OR NO ; IT IS DON’T YOU GO …



    Choose to Evade the Deferred ”YES” Sham Result that they have Already Chosen for the Next Round of a Rave-Random

    Strongly Asserting to the Warnings of DANWDO, It was Very Obvious on the T.V. Screens for Every Watcher around the World, that the Rave-Random Organizing GEUUISH QABBAALISTS Had the Pre-Intention to Start a Terrible Dividing Crack inside the Previously Unified British Society. The Rave-Random Trick Partially Worked, and the British People Who Were Friends and Comrades Only Yesterday, Today They Became Split and Started to Quarrel and Clash in the Streets. Just Like Those Organizing XEONY GLOBALISTS Have Done through Other Fake Rave-Randoms and Polls-Likes and Elections-Likes in and against Numerous Other Nations. We remind the alert-minded British that We Have Said Warningly on the 17th of September 2014 : ” Now-a-days while those Ethicsless Globo-Xeonists are putting the final touches for Pushing the World Peoples into a Similarly Krypto-Directed WW3 Annihilation and Demolition, they are first Inviting the Tricked Global Peoples to Tumourize and Malignantize their Opinion-Variations with the over-repeated use of their Death-Voltage Combined Battery of the Sham Democratic Media and the Actually Oligarchic Voting. For Britain of ”Post-Rave-Random” the Xeony Global Gang intend to Start their usual pre-prepared Wave of Clashes-plus-Sabotage-plus-Terrorism, Just Like what they have already commited in : Pakistan; India; Central Africa; Venezuela; Chile; Brazil; Greece, Italy; France; Iran; Tunisia; Egypt; Syria; Iraq; al-Yaman; Libya; Turkey; America; and Ukraine, right after the so-called ‘votings’ that they have held in each of those markedly unfortunate countries. ”. ; and ” – Look how, in advance, they are Already advertizing for a ”Big Split” over that Fake Ominious ”Rave-Random”, and are Already Furnishing for a ”Big Fail In Services And Security” for All British in case of the ”YES” Sham Result that they have Already Chosen and Prepared to Declare, in order to be able to vehemently pursue their semi-Concealed ”Bruto-Goals”. – SO DO NOT HELP THE APPLICATIONS OF THEIR GRAVELY DANGEROUS PLOTS AND PLOYS ON YOU AND YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS, AND JUST BOYCOTT THEIR REALITY-T.V. SHOW OF TOMORROW COMPLETELY, AND SAVE THE VERY LIVES OF YOUR OFFSPRING AND CHILDREN. – IT IS NOT YES OR NO ; IT IS DON’T YOU GO … ”. – Now Brave Scottish and British Be Sure that It Helps Them and Their Bruto-Goals to Create from Zero Another Rave-Random in the Near Future, Were They Can Forgingly Declare a ”Yes” Result for It that New Time, and Thereby Set the British-British Civil War on Its Wheels. SO UNIFY YOUR SELVES AGAIN AND DESTROY THEIR NEFARIOUS PLAN WITH A HUGE ROAR IN THEIR UGLY FACES : DON’T TRY TO SPLIT AND DIVIDE US. DON’T TRY TO MESS WITH US OR YOU’RE GOING TO PAY A BAD PRICE.