American Traditions,  Domestic Policy,  Podcast

Terminal Decline


Darrell Castle argues and presents evidence for the proposition that our nation may have reached a state of terminal decline.

TERMINAL DECLINE: the life cycle of nations and how we can determine when they reach a state of terminal decline.

Nations have life spans like people, and their life spans are often observable. A nation begins its existence and its rise, based on a shared determination and a strong work ethic. These things propel its rise to a high level of productivity which in turn creates prosperity. A greater and greater abundance is enjoyed by the nation’s population, which leads the population to become easy prey to empty political claims that largesse from the state can and will enrich all. The largesse results in complacency, which then turns into apathy.

When a nation reaches its peak, a majority of the people will have traded in their work ethic for the un-achievable promise of ever-increasing government largesse. At that point the decline is terminal, and set in stone. The population never realizes that the largesse to which it is addicted is, in effect, the reason for the ever increasing need for more and more largesse because the declining work ethic has destroyed prosperity. Once this has occurred the work ethic continues in decline and the nation continues into a death spiral.

A nation reaches terminal decline not just economically but in many ways. Moral values, sound principles of economics, productivity, an independent media and basic freedoms, once taken for granted, all decline together.
Education levels decline to the point where the only things being published whether in electronic media or print media are more empty promises, along with empty theories to support them. The classic mistake of empowering the government to take charge and make changes usually results in the weight of the nanny state’s boot on the neck of the economy, which causes the economy to lose its vibrancy and its way.

These things work to the detriment of all except those directly connected to or employed by the government. The government also recognizes this and tries to employ more and more, and even imports more and more, people to become dependent on its largesse. The nation peaks and heads to eventual collapse as government actions continue to feed the decline.

The question then becomes what happens after the crash? Will the nation be able to just hit the reset button and start over? Will new James Madisons and Thomas Jeffersons emerge to restart the process? The decline envelops everything and all aspects of socio-economic and political existence are included. The nation must be completely rebuilt from scratch. Moral certitude, which once destroyed, is virtually impossible to rebuild. A sound economic foundation, a return to productivity, and a solid work ethic, require basic freedoms to drive them. If it were even possible to accomplish these things it would require generations. Nations normally are never able to return to their former levels of prominence.

Some of the things that our society faces which have led me to this conclusion are everyday news. Many people seem unable or unwilling to keep two thoughts simultaneously in their heads. For example, it is quite possible to oppose the police murdering citizens and also oppose citizens murdering police at the same time.

The security system that holds true in America is trust, and that trust plays out as legitimacy, which makes it possible to govern a huge nation mostly by consent. We have played the racial, religious, etc., card one time too often, and it is having results. It is not possible to set one group against another endlessly without serious consequences. Suddenly our fragility is so obvious that it looks as if we might morph into an unrecognizable America at any moment. Rule from above through dissension below is tearing apart the very fabric of American society.

After Dallas where do we go and what do we do? We have created a militarized police force and at the same time a racist, terroristic group – and both are tolerated. Some say withdraw the police force but at the same time some cities are already basically at war. There are dozens of casualties of this war in Chicago each weekend. Without the police no ordinary citizen could leave his home. We try hard to spin this narrative into something that makes sense but we are unable to do so.

The President can’t seem to move past the racial rhetoric for which he is known. The police officers in Dallas were apparently murdered by a racist terrorist because they were white, but the President can’t admit that. Instead he has to equate them with the killing of Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile. Those cases are under investigation so nothing is certain at this point but there is no evidence that I’ve seen that indicates they were killed because they were black.

Lies will no longer work but the status quo keeps on trying. The status quo is on borrowed time and payment looks certain. Perhaps that’s the way the status quo planned it.

At least that’s the way I see it.



    I am a Christian and Black. You had my Vote…, until I read your view of the police killings and the Dallas shooting. They were “Both” racially motivated. I don’t expect to change your views with this letter, your views are ingrained. The truth is, there are no “True Christians” to vote for in this race.

    • Rooted

      The focus of the peaceful protestors against tyranny was drowned out by the rioters who were paid to cause distraction. Led away from the main focus, the tyrants escaped the wrath of the people.
      The violent protestors get the headlines. They smothered the real focus.
      The tyrants are free, the people are enslaved in redirected anger.
      The important take away, is worthy of pause. It is only upon reflection that the truths can resurface.
      Most of America was behind the first protestors who were exposing the financial corruption in the cities. Even during the riots, most of us were scratching our heads when the tyrants told the police to stand down against the rioters but hold strong against the protestors. It was later revealed that the tyrants wished for emergency relief funds & more enforcement.
      Today we are at a loss. The tyrants have won.
      The peaceful protestors March without media coverage.
      The media.
      Need I say more?
      Because of the sideline distractions, the tyrannical leaders in every city/state, are off the hook, while the neighbor’s battle each other.
      Funny how that works.

      • Rooted

        A partial list of the peaceful protestors goals:

        5. Have the racial makeup of police departments reflect the communities they serve.

        6. Require officers to wear body cameras.

        7. Provide more training for police officers.

        8. End for-profit policing practices.

        9. End the police use of military equipment.

        10. Implement police union contracts that hold officers accountable for misconduct.

        The media & the tyrants have instead turned it into a tyrants wet dream.
        Taking the narrative back, to stop the tyranny, would be an All American Dream. We can do this!

    • Timothy

      Not so Tabatha. There are still Christian options up until the nomination process has been played out. While I am apparently Caucasian and won’t pretend to understand what the black culture is going through, I do realize that there is racism present on both fronts. It’s not humanly possible to exhibit some inherent bigotry based upon what our own eyes show us. And by that I mean in viewing what is currently happening in the World today. When you have blacks calling for the death of whites and police, you have to accept that there is racism present. And from comments that I have read on social media, it seems to be two sided.

    • Lois Wenk

      As long as blacks do not confront their radicals including Obama. Who tells whites no mater what you do your the problem, He never claimed to know everything unlike Obama. So why should whites care when blacks tell us we can do nothing to change? Blacks you are the ones those arrogant blacks might listen to not a white person. Get a clue and smell the coffee. Unless you confront the bad blacks you are condoning bad behavior.