• Ukraine – Sounds Like World War III


    Darrell Castle talks about the continual ascent up the escalation ladder in Ukraine by the United States and NATO. Things are starting to look a lot like 1937 again in Europe as a limited war with limited objectives is expanding into a full-blown combined arms conflict.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 27th day of January in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the continual ascent up the escalation ladder in Ukraine by the United States and NATO. Things are starting to look a lot like 1937 again in Europe as a limited war with limited objectives is expanding into a full blown combined arms conflict.

    Deals are in the making and have been for weeks to supply Western main battle tanks to Ukraine. Those deals will open the door for more and more advanced weapons to be introduced into the struggle. The Ukrainian President pleads for more advanced Western weapons telling the world that Russian “terror” can only be stopped on the battlefield. Several NATO countries have agreed to send advanced offensive weapons into the struggle.

    Pressure to commit main battle tanks and thus expand the war into a combined arms struggle has been relentless and now it looks certain that the U.S. has succumbed to that pressure. The German Government has been under the most pressure and recently accepted the resignation of the German Defense Minister because of her reluctance to supply Leopard 2 main battle tanks. Poland’s tanks came from Germany and the U.S. and are not supposed to be exported without the permission of the country of origin, but now Poland says it with send them with or without permission.

  • Davos Man – Making the World a Worse Place


    Darrell Castle talks about a special kind of man, that being Davos Man, who holds an annual meeting called The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 20th day of January in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about a special kind of man on this report and that is Davos Man. He is meeting this week in a small village high in the Swiss alps called Davos. His meeting, held annually, and called The World Economic Forum, ends today so he will have hundreds of gleaming limousines take him to an airport where he will board more than 1000 private jets which will fly him to his destination. During his week in Davos he was guarded by more than 5000 Swiss soldiers less he become endangered or made to feel insecure.

    Hundreds of world leaders, politicians, titans of business gathered during the past week to discuss the fate of the rest of us lesser people. Davos Man is not like us for he is a kingpin, a chief of planet earth. He is great and he is good, a one-world, deep stater, a world improver, and he alone can save planet earth from the ravages of lesser beings like us. For example the top U.S. representative was John Kerry who holds the title of climate czar, savior of the planet, or words to that effect. The attitude of Mr. Kerry reflects the attitude of many as they are made to understand their own awesomeness. Quote from Mr. Kerry:

    “If you stop and think about it, it’s pretty extraordinary that we, a select group of human beings, because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives, are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet. I mean, it’s so, almost extraterrestrial to think about quote “saving the planet.” If you said that to most people, most people think you’re just a crazy, tree-hugging, leftie, liberal…you know,  do-gooder ,whatever…and there’s no relationship. But really, that’s where we are.”

  • New York Supreme Court – It Was About Compliance


    Darrell Castle talks about a very important decision of the New York Supreme Court to strike down the city’s vaccine mandate for employees ordering them to be reinstated immediately with back pay.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 28th day of October in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about a very important decision of the New York Supreme Court to strike down the city’s vaccine mandate for employees ordering them to be reinstated immediately with back pay.

    From the Court’s decision:

    “It is clear that the Health Commissioner has the authority to issue public health mandates. No one is refuting that authority. However, the Health Commissioner cannot create a new condition of employment for City employees. The Health Commissioner cannot prohibit an employee from returning to work. The Health Commissioner cannot terminate employees. The Health Commissioner cannot exempt certain employees from these orders. Executive Order No. 62 renders all of these vaccine mandates arbitrary and capricious.”

    Now folks continuing the quote from the Court here is the kill shot for vaccine mandates at least in the City of New York. “Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19. As of the day of this Decision, CDC guidelines regarding quarantine and isolation are the same for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.”

  • The World Is Run by Lunatics


    Darrell Castle talks about those who run the world or at least front for those who run it with a special emphasis on war, in particular the war in Ukraine.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 23rd day of September in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about those who run the world or at least front for those who run it with a special emphasis on war in particular the war in Ukraine.

    I know what you must be thinking. What would make Darrell refer to world leaders, even elected ones, as lunatics? How dare he make such a claim or say such a distasteful thing. Well, I make that statement because I’m trying to be kind and respectful to the world’s leaders. I’m trying to give them the benefit of a doubt for their actions because the alternative of lunatic would be homicidal maniac and I sure would not want to put that label on anyone without evidence.

    So, to give them the benefit of the doubt I conclude that they are simply crazy, mad as a hatter, wild as a March hair to avoid the possibility that they are taking mankind to the brink of destruction on purpose. Let’s look at some of the evidence I can offer to support my conclusions. The President of the United States does not want the war in Ukraine to end. He, in fact, wants it to get worse, to destroy more lives, more property, and the taxes of more Americans. The Administration has committed weapons to the conflict that according to the Wall Street Journal, will not be ready for shipment for three years.

  • Slouching Toward World War III


    Darrell Castle talks about how the world, prodded along by the most powerful, seems to be moving inevitably toward a superpower war.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 1st day of July in the year of our Lord 2022, and I will be talking about how the world, prodded along by the most powerful, seems to be moving inevitably toward a superpower war. This war, when it begins in earnest will be fought between the most powerful nuclear armed countries that have existed in all of history.

    I have talked in the past about how the world is dividing into armed camps of nations as both sides scramble last minute to find allies to bolster their teams. The war is mostly cold right now as it is being waged economically, but ominous clouds have appeared over the cold war that tell me it could go hot at any moment. Not much appears to be happening from either side to reverse this road to World War lll. What makes any of the world’s leaders think this coming war will not go nuclear, I don’t know.

    Do they really think that a nation with thousands of nuclear missiles will lose a war or allow itself to suffer defeat with those missiles still in their silos? Apparently, they do think so, or at least I hope they think so, because the alternative is even more terrifying. How do world wars begin? We know for certain because we have two examples to choose from. They begin one step at a time, one provocation at a time, one insult at a time, until finally the camel’s back is broken and it’s too late.

  • Economic World War


    Darrell Castle talks about the economic warfare being waged across the full economic spectrum by the Western World against Russia, against Vladimir Putin, and against anyone who will not comply.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Good Friday, or the Friday before Easter Sunday and this is the 15th day of April in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the economic warfare being waged across the full economic spectrum by the Western World against Russia, against Vladimir Putin, and against anyone who will not comply.

    Last Tuesday, April 12th was the 77th anniversary of the death of Franklin Roosevelt. FDR conducted a world war, but he did not quite live long enough to see the end of it. Here we are 77 years later once again engaged in a worldwide struggle, but for now our participation is primarily economic and the control of all information.

    NATO and the United States confront Russia and challenge Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, but it is the economic model set in place at Bretton Woods after World War Two and solidified by the disconnection from gold or anything of value in 1971 that enabled the West to defeat the Soviet Union in the cold war. It is what caused Vladimir Putin to inherit a broken nation and it is what caused the Eastern European nations to want to follow the West instead of Russia.

  • The Weaponized Dollar and the Coming Cashless World


    Darrell Castle talks about how the United States has demonstrated in the Ukraine/Russia war that it can wage very effective economic warfare against other non-complying nations and what this portends for the United States and the world.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 25th day of March in this the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about how the United States has demonstrated in the Ukraine/Russia war that it can wage very effective economic warfare against other non-complying nations and what this portends for the United States and the world.

    There are lessons to be drawn from conflict and plans made for fighting the next war. It is a concept like a football coach studying film of his past games to learn his team’s strengths and weaknesses. Generals and Presidents learn from past wars and develop ways to prevent the same losses and to preserve the same victories. That at least partially explains why generals always seem to fight the last war as the Russians seem to be doing now in Ukraine.

    We can take more than one lesson from Ukraine right now such as the lesson that nuclear deterrence works as a powerful defense. I have little doubt that except for Russia’s nuclear arsenal, the U.S. and NATO would be actively involved in the air and on the ground in Ukraine. The realization that Russia’s nuclear missiles have prevented NATO’s active involvement has provoked Europe to re-arm and the U.S. is currently conducting seminars about modernizing the U.S. nuclear arsenal. In other words, another nuclear arms race. The U.S. arsenal, especially in space, has apparently been allowed to degrade since the Reagan years, and suddenly U.S. planners are confronted with two powerful nuclear armed enemies.

  • Why Must the Whole World be Vaccinated?


    Darrell Castle talks about the tremendous pressure being brought to bear from the government against private citizens and businesses to take or require the vaccination for the COVID-19 virus.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 13th day of August 2021, yes, it is Friday the 13th but whether it will prove unlucky remains to be seen. I will be talking about the tremendous pressure being brought to bear from the government against private citizens and businesses as well to take the vaccination for the COVID virus. Come out now and be vaccinated for the good of all they say. I will offer two competing theories for this pressure, and you can decide or perhaps offer your own theories. 

    The Castle Family is still healthy as far as we know and enjoying what is left of summer. Temperatures have been in the high 90’s this week so it is still summer although the kids are now back in school. I don’t know the temperature situation where the family daughter lives, but she is healthy and safe in LA. 

    To give us an illustrated picture of the first theory I will turn to the New York Times edition of last Sunday. The times devoted most of its editorial section to the vaccine and what the Times refers to as reluctance.

  • Our Post Covid World


    Darrell Castle talks about the world post Covid, in term of the most prominent things happening in the world today — what has been gained and what has been lost in the past 15 months.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday, May 28th in the year 2021. This is also Memorial Day Weekend. Those of us fortunate enough to have jobs in this post COVID world will get a 3-day weekend. This Castle Report will talk about the world post COVID, known here after as simply the virus. What are the most prominent things happening in the world today and what has changed in the world post virus? What have we gained and what have we lost?

    The Castle family is doing well this Memorial Day Weekend. Despite the virus, we are looking forward to 3-days off work. Joan and I will pause to remember on Monday as we usually attend a ceremony at the local Veterans Cemetery to pay our respects. The family daughter is doing well with her husband in California as she told me by video just a couple of days ago.

    This Memorial Day Report is a good chance to also pause and remember or at least review what is happening in this country and in the world since the advent of the virus protocols some 15 months ago. Yes, approximately 15 months ago we were told to just shelter in place for 2 weeks to flatten the curve. Two weeks became 15 months and counting as the virus protocols have caused what will probably be irreparable damage to the American and world economies.

  • Insanity Is the New Normal


    Darrell Castle talks about why there has been so much hatred, so much vitriol, leading to an attempted coup by certain Democrat politicians against the President of the United States.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is the 9th day of October in the year 2020 and that is significant because the 11th day of October, this Sunday is my 72nd birthday. Yes, I’m 72 years old but still in very good health with no virus in sight. The Castle Family is doing fine as well, and I expect I will see the family daughter on video this weekend.

    Today though, I am talking not about me but about how society reached a peak and then seemed to go in reverse. I claim no knowledge of the future, and I’m no expert on prophecy, but I do claim to having at least a passing grade knowledge of the past. I recall, for example, the famous picture of John Kennedy looking out the window of the oval office, agonizing over the decision he had to make during the Cuban Missile Crises. The nation felt for him and agonized with him, and we trusted him to make the best decision he could.