• The Peace of Westphalia and the New World Order

    We hear the term “New World Order” all the time. We are afraid of that term.  But if there is a New World Order, then what of the Old World Order, the political order which has existed for hundreds of years? If we are suspicious of, and resistant to the New World Order, what order are we trying to conserve?

    To find out the history and character of the Old World Order, we need to travel back in time to the 17th Century to the time of the Thirty Years War.  The Thirty Years War was fought in Europe from 1618 to 1648.  It began when the Austrian-Hapsburg Empire tried to impose Roman Catholicism on their Protestant subjects in Bohemia. It grew into a religious war of Protestant against Catholic, the Holy Roman Empire against France, the German princes and Princelings against the emperor and against each other, the nation of France against the Habsburgs of Spain.  At one point Swedes, Danes, Poles, Russians, and the Dutch all got into the act.  Until World War I, it was the bloodiest and costliest war in European history.

  • New York Sends the Deplorables a Message


    Darrell Castle talks about the recent verdict in New York in which Judge Arthur Engoron imposed a fine against Donald Trump of about $355 million accelerating the total to about $455 million with interest.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 23rd day of February in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the recent verdict in New York in which Judge Arthur Engoron imposed a fine against Donald Trump of about $355 million accelerating the total to about $455 million with interest. The fine was for a verdict of civil fraud and as the law normally defines fraud what Trump did was not fraud because no one was injured and there was no victim. This case demonstrates that in New York and certain other Democrat cities, the law is a political weapon and not a protection.

    I have loved New York for my entire life or at least what I can remember of it. The Yankees have always been my team and Mickey Mantle my favorite athlete of all those who have played there over the years. New York used to be the most exciting and wondrous place in the world but that was before the city and state were turned over to those who view the law as nothing but a weapon to be used against political enemies.

    For purposes of this report, it doesn’t matter if you hate Donald Trump, if you think he is a threat to democracy, that he wants to become a dictator, that he tried to overthrow the U.S. Government by force, or whatever he is in your mind. Through whatever lens you view Donald Trump, it is impossible, if you are familiar at all with the lawsuits and prosecutions against him, to see them as anything but a distortion and perversion of our legal system to achieve a political goal.

  • World Gone Mad


    Darrell Castle talks about examples of madness occurring in America and around the world that he never thought he would live to see.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is the 8th day of December in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about madness occurring in America and around the world that I never thought I would live to see. The continuation and funding of pointless wars by the United States around the world along with continuing and intensifying attacks on Jews in America and around the Western world are just two of the many examples of madness.

    Before I start with the madness Report, I remind you that yesterday, December 7th was the 82nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor or the day of infamy as FDR put it. Today is the beginning of Hanukkah for our Jewish friends as they suffer the brunt of much of the madness that I will be talking about. Tomorrow December 9th is my dear wife’s birthday so happy birthday Joan. In a couple of weeks, we will celebrate our 46th anniversary, and that is no small achievement today.

    War is my subject and my beat today, and the war in Gaza seems to have taken the war in Ukraine off the front pages at least for a while, but that doesn’t mean the U.S. has stopped fighting Russia. The German Corporation, Rheinmetall, has been given a large contract by some unnamed NATO country that has been a large financial supporter of the Ukraine war effort. Well, I scratch my head and I wonder which country that could be. Who could afford to give a German Company 142 million Euros to build 155MM howitzer shells for Ukraine. How many rounds of 155 shells, tens of thousands is all they will say.

  • The Masses Revolt Against the Global Order


    Darrell Castle talks about examples which indicate that the deplorables are starting to revolt against the global ruling elite.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 1st day of December in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about three or four examples coming simultaneously, or at least back-to-back which indicate that the deplorables are starting to revolt against the global order. They have apparently reached the end of their patience with the neoliberal world order that has been forced on them for decades.

    What is this neoliberal global order that the masses are starting to revolt against. Mass immigration floods Western countries with immigrants who compete for jobs and drive wages down. They don’t compete with the elite because the elite own the factories, they don’t work in them. They also compete for housing, not in elite neighborhoods, but in the margins. When they are permitted, they vote for people who promise to allow more immigration.

    Immigration on a mass scale is a problem but not by any means the only problem. The world created by today’s global ruling elite is difficult and perhaps unsustainable for millions of working people. The governments produce invisible, printing press money like there is going to be no limit or end to it, but they are all on their way to having such unpayable debt that not only can it not be paid, but it also cannot even be serviced. Something is starting to occur to today’s young and today’s poor and that is that when one generation gets something for nothing the next gets nothing for something. The foreign policies of the elites who run our world have set the rest of the world against them. Military policies and attitudes against other nations have them constantly, perpetually at war. Green energy policies virtually guarantee that the offspring of today’s working people will not have the same freedom and prosperity as older generations.

  • A Warning to the World


    Darrell Castle talks about the eloquent words of Archbishop Carlo Mario Vigano with which he issued a warning to the entire world of a global coup d etat currently in progress by a financial and ideological elite. His words are confirmed by a publicly available report issued by the conspirators themselves.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 14th day of July in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the eloquent words of Archbishop Carlo Mario Vigano with which he issued a warning to the entire world of a global coup d etat currently in progress by a financial and ideological elite. His words are confirmed by a report issued by the conspirators themselves in which they openly admit the coming dictatorship will have to be complete within 10 years and ideally by 2030.

    First, I think it is necessary to point out that I am not catholic. I am a protestant Christian who attends a Presbyterian Church. I just happen to spend several hours each week buried in research materials concerning the matter the archbishop is trying to bring to the attention of the world’s people. Since he is obviously a devout man respected as one who opposed even the pope on the subject of child predators in the priesthood, his words will be given more credence than mine have been given thus far.

    The video in which he makes his plea to the world is still available on You Tube or it was until today. He said that there is a global coup d etat which extends to the whole world being enacted by a financial and ideological elite which has succeeded in gaining at least partial control of the world’s governments, politicians, business, information sources, education, and religious leaders. These people and organizations have become enslaved to the new global masters and therefore individual and fundamental rights once thought of as sacrosanct have been and are being trampled underfoot.

  • Davos Man and the Annual Meeting of New Champions


    Darrell Castle talks about the conference of the World Economic Forum which just concluded its summer meeting in Communist China. This report is a continued warning that the WEF is real and its members work night and day for the destruction of human freedom around the globe.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle report. This is Friday the 7th day of July in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the summer conference of the World Economic Forum which just concluded its summer meeting in Communist China. This Report is a continued warning that the WEF is real and its members work individually and collectively night and day for the destruction of human freedom around the globe.

    The World Economic Forum would be a joke if it were just some bunch of university professors talking about imposing their will on the world, but it is instead made up of the richest and most prominent people on earth. Titans of industry, especially high-tech industry, university intellectuals, bureaucrats, and politicians from virtually all governments meet to discuss how they can destroy the freedom and independence of the rest of us. They refer to themselves in this summer conference as (AMNC) and that means, believe it or not, The Annual Meeting of New Champions.

    This summer’s conference concentrated on the most woke and anti-freedom ideas disguised as inclusive but in fact hiding in plain sight its genocidal ideology which it inherited from the Nazi father of its current president Klaus Schwab. Specifically, this conference met with its primary agenda the current status of Central Bank Digital Currency. Quote from the Conference as to status:

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  • Riding the Train to World War III


    Darrell Castle talks about America’s latest war which it is fighting along with its NATO allies against Russia on the battlefields of Ukraine while riding on the train to World War III.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 26th day of May in the year of our Lord 2023 and this is also the Friday before Memorial Day which for most of us is a three-day weekend but it is also a time to pause from our barbecue grills and remember those who have fallen over the roughly two and one-half centuries of America’s existence. In that vein I will be talking about America’s latest war which it is fighting along with its NATO allies against Russia on the battlefields of Ukraine and on the train to World War III.

    Before I start, I must tell you that next weekend my dear wife and I are going to spend some time with our daughter and son-in-law so no Castle Report next week. God willing, I will talk to you again on Friday the 9th of June. Today’s Report concerns the frightening escalation of the war in Ukraine which is obviously a war between America and its NATO allies against Russia. Ukraine is the battlefield and it is remarkedly similar to the battlefield the Russians fought on about 80 years ago. That war, fought on the plains of Kursk and this one just a few miles west of Kursk in what is now Ukraine.

    The battles raging now are primarily on the eastern border of Ukraine and Russia in virtually the exact area that Germany fought the Soviet Union in some of the greatest armored battles in history. So, the Russians should have that area indelibly etched in their collective memories since they have been fighting off invaders in that region for centuries. They fought the Mongols, they fought Napoleon, and they fought Hitler, but the difference is that this time the Russians are the invaders or so it seems.