Foreign Policy



    Darrell Castle talks about foreign policy especially Russia, since Washington is once again rattling the sabers, threatening, and bullying those abroad.

    Transcription / Notes:


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 16th day of April in the year of our Lord 2021 and in this report, I will focus on foreign policy especially Russia, since Washington is once again rattling the sabers, threatening, and bullying those abroad. China and Iran are also problems, but I will save those problems for another day. I recommend my Castle Report of August 23, 2015 entitled The Mind of Russia, as a good background for this Report. You can find that by going to Index.

    The Castle Family is doing just fine right now living the good life here in the southern spring far from the virus. There is no illness in this family that we know of not even in Los Angeles. I will admit to encouraging my family to be careful and proceed with caution during this time since both Joan and I are past the age of 65. Overly cautious perhaps, but as family leader I thought it best and so far, so good.

    Joan and I were riding to work in her car on Wednesday of this week when I asked her why logic and truth did not seem to matter anymore. She was stumped by my question, but we continued to debate it with me giving her one example after another of how illogical the premise of this society seems to be. Just from a foreign policy standpoint I question whether anyone in government cares about what is best for America and the American people. Whether the subject is virus or Russia, the decisions lack logic, truth, and even common sense.

  • Geopolitical Disaster


    Darrell Castle talks about how the foreign policy of the Biden administration, in its first two months, has been a geopolitical disaster.

    Transcription / Notes


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 26th day of March in this the year of our Lord 2021, and on this Report, I will be talking about how a few foreign policy blunders have exposed what passes for the Biden Administration to the whole world as the aged dementia patient with old, unrealistic expectations that it is. Another possible title for this report might be America as laughingstock for the world especially Russia and China.

    For the Castle Family we look up at the sky from the deck of our Germantown home and we can see nothing wrong, but we feel down in our very soul that there is something wrong. However, it is officially spring now and the weather is beautiful on most days. We are all healthy including the family daughter in her California seclusion.

    I will start this report by saying that under normal circumstances Joe Biden’s handlers, having learned their lesson, do not let him talk to foreign leaders and certainly not alone, so most of the conversations   he was referring to with Vladimir Putin occurred while he was Vice President, that is, if they occurred at all. His recollection of them was on March 16, however, and therein lies the rub.

  • Nothing Says Unity Like Soldiers and Razor Wire


    Darrell Castle talks about the first 9 days of the Biden administration and the many unconstitutional executive orders he has signed.

    Transcription / Notes


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is the 29th day of January in the year of our Lord 2021 and I will be talking about the first 9 days of the Biden administration. President Biden used his first 9 days to rule by decree with the signing of many, (last count 30) executive orders as well as other actions designed to kill Trumpism and reestablish the authority of the global establishment. I wonder whether President Biden has the presence of mind to know what he is signing.

    Today in the Castle family, as far as I know, there is no sickness and certainly no virus. We are grateful for that as we try to take each day as it comes. When the grasshopper asked the master how can one remain peaceful when all around him is nothing but violence? The master replied that peace is not found in what is outside the man, but from what is inside the man. In the Castle family we seek peace in the ancient words of the Bible, and we internalize it as best we can.

  • Afghanistan Exit


    Darrell Castle talks about the agreement for the withdrawal of American troops, signed February 29th, 2020, between the Trump Administration and officials representing the Taliban fighters of Afghanistan.
